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Feedbacks: First Steps alongside French SEO Leaders

Recently, FlashSERP has been at the center of reactions expressed by the SEO solution IndexMeNow. In this article, we aim to provide clarification and clarify our stance on this matter.
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Published on
June 19, 2023
Updated on
November 6, 2023
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In a recent Twitter thread and a message on the forum, IndexMeNow raised concerns about the communication methods used by FlashSERP. The thread (in French):

Our Response

After the confusion caused by the strong reactions on Twitter, we understand the need to clarify our true intention, which was never to harm IndexMeNow or any other market player.

Google Ads 

Our advertising campaign on the name of IndexMeNow was simply aimed at testing different audiences and keywords to better understand our market. It lasted only a few hours between June 8 and June 11, 2023, so it was not intended to be long-term. Screenshot of our Google Ads account for this same campaign:

Screenshot of our Google Ads

Test Result:

  • 4 clicks
  • 52 impressions
  • 7.69% CTR

In the message, a screenshot is shown taken during a search for the keyword "IndexMeNow," the only keyword present in this ad group and actually set to "broad match" type.

Screenshot of a search for the keyword "IndexMeNow" during the campaign

Indeed, Google decrees that the name of a competitor should not appear in the body of the ad (Google Ads rules). The ad variant shown above corresponds to an attempt to insert a dynamic keyword in compliance with Google's ad validation steps.

Screenshot of one of the dynamic ad headlines.

We apologize to IndexMeNow for this oversight.

Our SEO Positioning

We did have a blog post written by an independent writer about the IndexNow Protocol. Although the mention of IndexMeNow was not initially intentional, it was included due to the leading position of this solution in the French market.

We became aware of this inadvertence and have since removed any reference to this solution in the same article.

Regarding the free Google API on which FlashSERP is built

We confirm that we do use Google's free API for the indexing process of FlashSERP, with the aim of providing a simple and efficient service to users who do not have technical knowledge to set up APIs or similar processes.

We also encourage everyone to consult Google's official documentation on the indexing API and our article "How To Use Google's Indexing API In Bulk With Python?"


We recognize the importance of transparency and trust in the SEO sector in France. We also understand IndexMeNow's concerns about the arrival of a new player in the market.

We hope to have clarified our true intentions and apologize again for this misstep. We are open to your suggestions for strategies to integrate into an already well-structured market.

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